Hormonal diseases / endocrinology

Investigation, advice and treatment within the endocrinological specialist area. All treatment is naturally subject to the guidelines of the Danish Health Authority.

The endocrinological specialist area at Private Hospitalet Molholm is attended to by Søren Nielsen, Special medical practitioner of endocrinology.

The specialty is offered in: Vejle Aarhus
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Investigation, advice and treatment within the endocrinological specialist area

Thyroid diseases

  • Low metabolism is a common disease which is treated with medication which regulates the metabolism. LEARN MORE 
  • High metabolism is caused by an overproduction of thyroid hormone. LEARN MORE
  • Stoma (swollen thyroid gland) is a common condition where the thyroid gland can cause pressure symptoms from the throat (trachea and oesophagus). LEARN MORE


  • Type 2 Diabetes Are you suffering from type 2 diabetes and would like an assessment of how your treatment may be optimised? Would you like an assessment of whether you have developed late complications and how these are best treated? Or are you simply unsure as to whether you are suffering from the disease? LEARN MORE
  • Type 1 Diabetes Are you suffering from type 1 diabetes and prefer being treated by the same specialist medical practitioner and maybe at times / days which are not always available at the hospital? LEARN MORE

Brittle bones/Osteoporosis

Have you suffered broken bones or a slight trauma (e.g. to your arms, legs, hands or feet), spinal collapse or fractured hip? The cause may be osteoporosis. LEARN MORE


Adrenal and pituitary disease

A reduced production of adrenal gland hormone may cause fatigue, involuntary weight loss and the condition must be treated with medication in the form of cortisol supplements. The condition is due to either a disease of the adrenal glands or the pituitary gland. LEARN MORE


Reduced production of testosterone (male sex hormone)

Abnormal lack of energy, muscle power and fatigue may be due to a decreased testosterone production from the testes. The reason for this is often unknown but in some cases it may be due to an infection or cancer. LEARN MORE


Feel free to contact us for more detailed information about the above treatments.

You can be examined and treated in:

Vejle Aarhus

Specialists and practitioners

Billede af Søren Nielsen
Søren Nielsen
Dr.Sci, Associate Professor, Specialist in General, Endocrinology
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