Private Hospital Mølholm offers eye examinations, eye surgery for cataracts and lens implantations.
The Eye Clinic - Ophthalmology
Eye examinations, eye surgery for cataracts and lens implantations
At the Eye Clinic, Private Hospital Molholm, Vejle, the following eye examinations and eye surgery are carried out:
- General eye examinations
- Paediatric eye examinations
- Eye surgery
- Cataract
- Changes to the corneal surface,
- Pterygium or surfer's eye,
- Hordeolum or sty
- Lens implantations for short-sightedness and long-sightedness.
- Laser treatment for secondary cataract
- Preventative glaucoma laser treatment (iridotomy)
- Misaligned eyelids
- Specialist medical certificates
- Ophthalmologist medical certificate
Eye surgery requires a careful preliminary examination. Glasses must be brought to the preliminary examination and, due to eye drops being applied, operating a vehicle immediately after the preliminary examination is inadvisable. In connection with an examination/surgery for cataract, short-sightedness or long-sightedness, please refrain from using contact lenses for the three days prior to the examination.
On the conclusion of the examination, you will receive a full explanation of the status of your eyes to provide you with a proper basis for deciding on treatment and possibly surgery.
General observations on eye surgery
The majority of eye surgery is carried out using local anaesthetics which means that you can return home immediately after the surgery, although staying the night at Private Hospital Molholm remains an option. When undergoing surgery, expect spending a couple of hours at Private Hospital Molholm.
Feel free to contact us for further information.
Specialists and practitioners